Federal Government to Invest in EV Charging Infrastructure for Dealerships and Repairers

Today the Federal Government has released details on the Dealership and Repairer Initiative for Vehicle Electrification Program (DRIVEN).

This program was announced earlier this year as part of the negotiations between the automotive industry and the Federal Government to implement the New Vehicle Emissions Standards (NVES)

To support the automotive sector with this transition, the Government announced $60 million to support the installation of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure at Australian automotive dealerships and EV repairers across the country.

This recognises the significant role the automotive sector will play in having a successful transition and the impact this will have on individual businesses. The program, part of the Driving the Nation Fund, aims to deploy EV charging infrastructure in Australian dealerships and repairers to support increasing EV uptake.

The program will provide the $60 million in support through two streams of funding, stream 1 will be through an entitlement rebate and stream 2 will be through a merit-based grant system.

The Business Grants Hub in the Department of Industry, Science and Resources will deliver the program.

MTA NSW welcomes this announcement by Minister Bowen as it recognises the sector's importance in the transition to a ZLEV future.

MTA NSW will advise interested members of the guidelines and approval process once the Department has finalised its processes. 

To find out more about the DRIVEN program, click here.


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