
Proposed changes to repair classes and qualifications

MTA NSW supports the proposed changes to repair classes and qualifications under the Motor Vehicle Dealers and Repairers Regulation 2014.
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2024/25 state budget must address skills shortage and EV incentivisation or risk further crippling the automotive industry

The Motor Traders' Association of New South Wales (MTA NSW) has outlined a comprehensive wish list for the upcoming state budget, aimed at supporting the evolving needs of the state's automotive industry and accelerating the transition to EVs.
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MTA NSW Calls for Investment in EV Infrastructure and Workforce Training in 2024/2025 NSW State Budget Submission

Our association has recently submitted annual recommendations to the NSW Government for the 2024/2025 NSW State Budget, outlining a comprehensive plan to support the state's transition to electric vehicles (EVs) and future-proof the automotive industry.
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Crafting a Sensible Path: MTA NSW's Vision for Vehicle Emissions

MTA NSW is working hand in hand with the Motor Trades Association of Australia (MTAA) representing the automotive industry in the development of the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (NVES), to steer the government toward a more balanced and sensible approach.
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MTA NSW Submission - NSW VET Review

MTA NSW State VET Review submission
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MTAA Submission - Closing Loopholes Bill

MTAA's Summary of Concerns Regarding Fair Work Legislation Amendment Bill The Motor Trades Association of Australia (MTAA) expresses strong opposition to the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Bill 2023 in its current form. We found it to be unfair, complex, and impractical, particularly for small businesses in the automotive industry.
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Retail Automotive Industry Response to the 2023 Franchising Code Review

In August this year the Federal Minister for Small Business, The Hon Julie Collins MP announced that the Federal Government would launch a comprehensive review of the Competition and Consumer (Industry Codes – Franchising) Regulation, otherwise known as the Franchising Code.
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MTA NSW Submission - NSW State Budget

MTA NSW state budget submission
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Inquiry into electric vehicle (EV) Adoption in the ACT

MTA NSW's Head of Government Relations and Advocacy attended a committee hearing in Canberra to discuss the adoption of electric vehicles in the ACT and highlighted the need for affordable electric vehicles and a trained automotive workforce to meet the Territory's ambitious targets. The MTA NSW representative also met with several Ministers to discuss upskilling the ACT automotive workforce.
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MTA NSW submission on proposed EV repair classes

MTA NSW has submitted a response to the Department of Customer Services’ proposed changes to create two new repair classes in NSW for Light Vehicle Electric mechanic and Heavy Vehicle Electric mechanic.
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