MTA NSW Member Forum Meeting in Dubbo


MTA NSW CEO, Stavros Yallouridis opens the Forum Meeting in Dubbo

MTA NSW hosted in Dubbo on Tuesday 29 October an important Forum Meeting for MTA NSW Members from the Farm Machinery Dealers Association (FMDA); Commercial Vehicle Industry Association (CVIA) and Automotive Mechanical Repairers (AMR) (Heavy Vehicles).
MTA NSW CEO, Stavros Yallouridis and Ron Arthur, Chairperson of the Farm Machinery Dealers Association presented at the Forum along with the following important key note speakers: Tim Hansen from the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR), Chief Inspector Phil Brooks from NSW Police, Scott Cassin from NSW TAFE and Dianne Vaughan from SafeWork NSW. We were also pleased to welcome The Hon. Dugald William Saunders, MP, Member for Dubbo.

                                            The aim of the Meeting was to bring together MTA NSW Members in the regional area and the wider community; to provide a Forum for Industry Stakeholders to present to our Members; important changes to regulations and legislation and to provide a forum for our Members to discuss a number of other relevant current Industry topics.

Left: Tim Hansen from National Heavy Vehicle Regulator

Hon.Dugald William Saunders, MP, Member for Dubbo                 (L to R) MTA NSW CEO, Stavros Yallouridis and local MP, Dugald William Saunders  

Farm Machinery Dealers Association Chairperson, Ron Arthur, addresses the Forum


  Topics that were discussed included:

  • The importance of NHVR / COR legislation and compliance in relation to both Heavy Vehicle Operators and consignors / consignees of goods on heavy vehicles
  • Information in relation to over dimension loads, conditional registration
  • Quadbike and SSV  – presented by SafeWork NSW
  • ATV safety – presented by SafeWork NSW and Stakeholders
  • Payroll Tax
  • Franchise agreements
  • Warranty recovery from manufacturers
MTA NSW greatly appreciated the attendance of the key note speakers including The Hon. Dugald William Saunders, MP, and those MTA NSW Members who attended this Forum, for their strong ongoing support shown for   the Farming and Heavy Vehicle Industries.

Left: Chief Inspector Phil Brooks from NSW Police

Dianne Vaughan from SafeWork NSW            
 Scott Cassin from NSW TAFE

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